Pizza Ebelskivers
I begin by making a traditional pancake batter. In a bowl mix together 1 c of flour, 1 c of milk, 1 tbsp of sugar, 2 tbsp of oil, 1 tsp of baking powder, 1/2 tsp baking soda, and 1 egg. Take your ebelskiver pan and coat it well with oil. If you are in search of a great pan, I have a nonstick ebelskiver pan and turning tools from Williams-Sonoma and I love them. I highly recommend the turning tools, but toothpicks can also be used.
Once the pan has warmed up, fill each bowl with 1/2 tbsp of batter.
I made the ebelskiver batter from our breakfast recipe and added some Trader Joe's 21 seasoning salute to give it a more seasoned flavor, as opposed to a sweet one. I followed the same routine for breakfast ebelskivers, but instead I prepared a tomato base sauce and sliced string cheese for my fillings.
In my ebelskiver pan I placed the batter and then a dollop of the sauce ...
then I placed a piece of the cheese on top of the sauce ...
and topped it all with another layer of the batter. I completed this process until all my ingredients were used. We used a marinara sauce for dipping as well. If you missed the thorough steps to making ebelskivers, check out the ebelskiver blog ... if you are up to date with it all, enjoy this new take on the ebelskiver as an appetizer or light dinner- which was a perfect finger food, especially for our boys!